Judy Hennings Butler
(City) State or Country | Corvallis, OR USA |
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Posted on: Mar 02, 2020 at 4:35 AM
A donation in Joyce's name will be sent from the CHS Class of 65 Memorial Fund.
The Class Memorial Fund sent a donation to the West Virginia University Foundation, as Dan's family suggested (see above). Yesterday we received a lovely handwritten thank you note from Gypsy M. Denzine, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education and Human Services: " Class of 1965, We are grateful for your recent gift in memory of Dr. Daniel E. Hursh. The College of Eduation and Human Services appreciates your support of Dr. Hursh's 'Competent Learner's Fund'. What a beautiful way to honor Dan. Thank you!"
A number of other classmates asked about honoring Dan, and this can be done as personal donations to the fund using the information above in Meg's note.
We plan to honor each classmate who passes away with a similar donation from the Memorial Fund to a charity of their family's choice. Please help us by sharing news of deceased classmates via the website. Corvallishsreunion65@gmail.com. Our classmates have already been quite generous in their donations but future donations to the Memorial Fund are always welcomed (see "Contact us"). With grateful thanks from your class Treasurers.
Thanks so much for your openness and sharing, Rose. You can never tell, but your comments may make such a big difference in so many people's lives. Can't wait to see you and all our other young-at-heart classmates in just a few days!
The CHS Class of 65 will be making a donation to the WVU fund created in Dan's name. Thank you so much to all of you who have donated to the newly created Memorial Fund to allow us to honor our classmates. Dan was, himself, one of the first enthusiastic donors to the Memorial Fund. He was a dear and supportive friend to so many of us.
Wonderful portraits from around the world! Thanks for sharing.